Summer is a great time for indulging in our hobbies. The sun is out for longer, and the weather tends to be more pleasant, making it perfect for getting the family together. If you have loved ones coming round for a barbecue, or even just a catch-up, it could be the ideal time to do some baking. Whether you want to bake before everyone comes round, or get the grandkids involved, here are some things to bake this summer.
Advantages of Baking
Baking can have a positive influence on our mental health. It can be both stimulating and relaxing and keeps the mind active throughout. Certain motions can have a therapeutic effect, such as kneading. There is evidence that the movements associated with kneading bread reduce levels of anxiety, as well as aiding with management of depression.
You could also find yourself boosting your creativity. If you bake a cake, for example, you are probably going to want to decorate it. Even basic icing could get the creative juices flowing. This self-expression can help to improve your mood and could also improve some cognitive abilities.
It could also improve your appetite, putting you in the mood for eating as you expend energy making food. You will smell and feel all the ingredients, which can stimulate the parts of your brain that express hunger.
Finally, baking could also aid people living with dementia. As well as its calming and therapeutic effects, baking could also stimulate memories. A certain smell or flavour could link to something from their pasts, and the activity involved in baking keeps their brain active.
What to Bake?
In later life, many of us become more aware of the importance of eating healthily. However, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional treat. If you are planning to turn baking into a regular pastime, though, it is reassuring to know that there are a variety of healthier options available – though anything of a cakey nature should be indulged in sparingly.
In the ideas listed below, we have tried to include a balance of indulgent baking projects and more health-conscious options.
Bakewell Tarts
A classic teatime treat, the Bakewell tart is instantly recognisable, and one of our favourite things to bake. As a favourite of so many people, why not try your hand at making your own? You could make your own shortcrust pastry, but for less stress many shops sell it readymade. The main preparation will be in the creation of the frangipane.
You will need to bake the pastry first, and then spoon some jam into the pastry casing and place the frangipane on top. After some more baking, all you need is to spread some icing on top and place that iconic glacé cherry.
Read the Full Recipe on BBC Good Food
Apple and Banana Muffins
For keeping the pounds off whilst still having the occasional treat, you can bake some of these apple and banana muffins. Instead of filling them up with refined sugar, the fruity ingredients contribute to the sweetness of this cake. This makes them one of the tasty yet healthy treats to bake this summer.
The recipe isn’t anything too complicated, either. If you already know how to mix cake batter, there’s not much different to do with these muffins. Before baking in the oven, you simply add mashed banana and chopped apple and stir it together. After twenty or twenty-five minutes in the oven, your muffins should be ready.
Read the Full Recipe on the NHS Website

Red Velvet Cake
The red velvet cake has become a popular treat, and a favourite of bakers. It’s a very sweet option, with thick icing and rich sponge cake. However, it’s also one that can be difficult to get right. With the right recipe, some patience, and maybe a few helping hands, you should be able to get it right.
Unlike the recipes highlighted above, a red velvet cake requires some extra construction. This makes it a more involved process to try your hand at, and one that will get your mind working even more. It’s also one that could be great for getting the grandkids involved; each of you can do one part of the job, bringing it all together to create a delicious treat.
Read the Full Recipe on Food Network
Oatmeal Cookies
Cookies are a delicious treat, ideal for having at the end of the day or with a cup of tea. However, they aren’t the healthiest of options, and those calories soon add up. For something that tastes just as good, but with a more nutritious twist, why not opt for oatmeal cookies?
The recipe we found recommends raisins, which are an underrated treat in our opinion. However, for a bit of extra sweetness you can switch the raisins for chocolate chips – just don’t overindulge. They’re also rather straightforward to make, which means this is a simpler recipe to get the grandkids involved with.
Read the Full Recipe on Delicious
Lemon Drizzle Cake
Our final baking recommendation is amongst the most popular summertime things to bake. You would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t love a lemon drizzle cake. Have a slice or two with a cup of tea or after the barbecue coals have gone cold.
It’s also a cake that’s easy to make. All the cake ingredients go into one bowl to be mixed, and the eponymous drizzle is simplicity itself. If you’ve got a family visit coming up, it’s easy enough to make a lemon drizzle cake for everyone to enjoy.
Read the Full Recipe on Good to Know
More Things to Bake
Of course, these are a mere handful of the things you can bake this summer. You can find hundreds of recipes across the internet; alternatively, you can pick up some fantastic books. Celebrity bakers such as Mary Berry offer recipes both simple and complex, but always delicious.
Once you start baking, you won’t want to stop. Who can say no to homemade sweet treats, after all? And if things don’t go to plan, don’t be put off. The more you bake, the better your baked goods will be.
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Editor’s Note: This article was updated on 3rd July 2023 to reflect current information.