“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” A perfect winter song that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling associated with Christmas time. It doesn’t however fully stem the winter weather and this is why you need to ensure that you are prepared for any cold weather scenarios whether you are at home or away with family and friends. You might be thinking: “But Christmas is over, I don’t need to worry about the weather now surely!” However, it is estimated that temperatures could drop extremely low, with a bout of January snow hitting the UK!
Netflix – What Is Available For The Elderly?
Sometimes it feels like everyone is talking about Netflix… That watching live TV is something of the past! Running to the kettle in the ad breaks, being home for 7:30pm to watch Eastenders each night… It has all changed! But that got us thinking, are the traditional getting left behind? With this in mind, we had a look at what was available on Netflix and put together a list perfect for the elderly.
Activities To Keep Elderly Players Healthy
Sadly, a common assumption is that the elderly community is either past the ability to be active. Or, the only activities and options out there are bowls or pilates. However, we disagree with this completely. After doing research into different physical activities, we have found many different clubs and activities all over the world that will inspire you to join something new in order to keep fit and healthy!
Best British Flowers Shows for Summer 2019
As the sun comes out and the temperatures rises, many amazing shows come along! Here are our top 3 British Flower Shows for you to consider. Read More
Infographic! Keep warm this winter
Winter can be dangerous for the elderly. To help you to stay safe we have created this infographic to help you ensure that you’re keeping warm as the temperatures drop. Read More