Now that Christmas has come and gone, we are left sitting and waiting in this period of limbo - eager to say goodbye to 2016 and enter 2017 with a bang. New Year’s Eve, the biggest party of the year, is a fitting transition from one end to another beginning as we all pop the bubbly, join in laughs and dance while watching the night sky alight with popping sparkles, whistling colours and mesmerising flashes.
Saying goodbye to 2016, most of us will say goodbye to a year where a promise made exactly a year before is still unfulfilled or even forgotten, The New Year’s Resolution.
The Promise
A promise made in an attempted act of self-improvement to better ourselves from one year to another. Babylonians first made promises to their gods at the start of each year where they would repay debts or return borrowed items.
The Romans also made promises to their god Janus, for whom the first month of the year January is named after. This tradition of ‘promises’ followed suit through the ages to the Medieval era where, at the end of the Christmas season each year, knights would take the ‘peacock vow’ to reaffirm their commitment to chivalry.
What Changes To Make
In many aspects not much has changed in the modern era, in terms of the popular goals that people set for themselves. Some examples include things like:
> Improving physical well-being - by eating healthier, exercising more and getting rid of bad habits.
> Improving mental well-being - by positive thinking, taking up spiritual enlightenment such as yoga, tai chi or meditation and laughing more.
> Meet new people, make new friends.
> Improve finances - by getting out of debt, saving money and making small investments.
> Improve education or a career - by reading more, establishing your own business, starting a new job and learning something new.
> Volunteer and giving back to society.
> Travelling more.
A Reason For Change
Change is inevitable and although many consider 2016 as a year to quickly forget with Brexit, The US elections and the war in Syria (and so much more to name) headlining the year’s media, it’s not hard to believe that everyone will be wishing for a far less turbulent and more prosperous 2017.
With the hope that the new year will bring a more positive outlook, it can all start with a small personal goal set in a New Year’s Resolution - to positively change our interpretation of the coming year.
Take The Leap
Be it quitting smoking or merely holding a door open for a stranger, a New Year’s Resolution has remained true to its origins and has been the perfect platform for us all to bring a tradition into place to give ourselves a goal towards the prospects of the new year ahead.
What will your New Year Resolution be?
Happy New Year from everybody here at Carelink24! We hope that 2017 is a brilliant year for you all!